Sunday, April 25, 2010

Three Quilts for Three Girls

Several years ago I made three very special quilts for three very special little girls. The two eldest were my flowergirls at my wedding and the youngest while I would have loved to put her in a flowergirl dress was only 2 weeks old at the wedding.

The first quilt is "Beautiful Butterflies" and I made this for the oldest of the three girls. All the butterfiles are paper pieced and hand stiched.

The second quilt made for the middle girl is "Delightful Doggies". None of the fabrics in this quilt match but for some reason it just works and this is one of my favourite quilts I have ever made. It is just so random and fun and that is what I like about it.

The third quilt for the youngest girl is "Cows in the Dasies". The border fabric on this quilt is abxolutley wonderful with three cows - Daisy, Deloris and Buttercup.

I made the quilts in 2004, but had never labelled them. So last weekend I got them all back and put labels on them. And finally took some photos of them.

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